Two hands holding a yellow flower with the palms up and the title is Loss Lessons on the Journeyofsmiley blog

Coping With Grief: 10 Hard but Valuable Lessons of Loss

With the loss of someone or something precious to us, our first reaction is often denial. We might be lost for words and numb for feelings. It’s just too hard to believe that we will never see our loved one again. Our heart is broken. It hurts, and we believe it will always be this …

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A pen and a paper with some writing and the title A message to my dear mum in heaven, I miss you, on the Journeyofsmiley blog

‘I Miss You,’ a Message to My Dear Mum in Heaven

Dear Mum, I miss you so much. Every single day. This Mother’s Day, I want to shout the message, “I miss you,” to you my dearest mum in heaven. Aren’t special days and anniversaries supposed to be happy occasions? But when the ones dearest to you aren’t here any longer, they become really hard. Saying …

‘I Miss You,’ a Message to My Dear Mum in Heaven Read More »

grey block with the letters Shift Happens on the Journeyofsmiley blog

How to Change Your Negative Core Beliefs to Unlock Your Potential

In my previous posts, you will have learnt about core beliefs and automatic thoughts, the difference between them and the importance of identifying our negative beliefs. Today, I will show you how to change our negative core beliefs to modify our behaviour and thoughts.  After sharing my story from the Pilates session with my psychologist …

How to Change Your Negative Core Beliefs to Unlock Your Potential Read More »

identify core beliefs

Identify and Understand Your Core Beliefs: The Downward Arrow Technique

Today, I will share my experience about how I uncovered my core belief during my therapy whilst utilising the Downward Arrow technique with my EMDR psychotherapist. This is a great technique that can help you identify your negative core beliefs regardless of whether you are actually undergoing therapy or not. It can be a great …

Identify and Understand Your Core Beliefs: The Downward Arrow Technique Read More »

background of a room with big windows and sofa and a hand holding a card and on it is a cognitive triangle picture with core beliefs in the middle on Journeyofsmiley

Automatic Thoughts and Core Beliefs: What Are They, and What Is the Difference Between Them?

Have you ever wondered where our thoughts and behaviours come from? Why do we have different thoughts about the same situation or act differently under similar circumstances? It’s because we have a different set of core beliefs. But what are core beliefs, and what is the difference between them and our automatic thoughts?  Two and …

Automatic Thoughts and Core Beliefs: What Are They, and What Is the Difference Between Them? Read More »

a letter and an envelop and on the letter is written 'give thanks' and a flower on a table on Journeyofsmiley blog

Why Each Day Is a Miracle I Am Grateful for – The Uncommon Normal Guest Post

The new year is here, and with it come the dreams, hopes, and wishes for something better. As for me, I am just grateful for every new day. Three years ago, my life changed in a split second after a traumatic accident, and since then, I have appreciated life even more. Then, a few months …

Why Each Day Is a Miracle I Am Grateful for – The Uncommon Normal Guest Post Read More »

Christmas lights and a lantern with a red bow and on the left from the image is written have yourself a merry gentle Christmas on the Journeyofsmiley blog

Top Mental Health and Wellbeing Tips This Christmas Holiday

This year has been all about connections for me. I have worked together with many different people, created a manual for those experiencing trauma or going through hard times, had the opportunity to share my words on several podcasts and blog posts and found time to write a few devotionals. This, however, wouldn’t have been …

Top Mental Health and Wellbeing Tips This Christmas Holiday Read More »

A heart on a tree trunk with the sign For all those we have loved and lost on the Journeyofsmiley blog

20 Inspirational Quotes for Dealing With Grief and Loss

Grief recently entered our lives again. It turned up like an uninvited guest without announcing its arrival. But then, grief does often come unexpectedly. And it seems to be able to find us, no matter how hard we may try to hide from it. Coping with grief and loss is a journey that often calls …

20 Inspirational Quotes for Dealing With Grief and Loss Read More »