A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to participate in the Flower Power event. This enjoyable family event took place at the Weald and Downland Living Museum in West Sussex (UK). They invited the literacy community Words Out Loud, which are based near the museum, and who invited submissions for the event. For this purpose, submissions could take the form of any spoken word focusing on the power of flowers. Nature plays such an important role in my life and recovery after my accident. So, inspired by flowers I sent my work to Words Out Loud. I was really excited when I was chosen as one of the readers at the Flower Power event.

Read also ‘Why Each Day Is a Miracle I Am Grateful for – The Uncommon Normal Guest Post‘
Words Out Loud is my local literacy community, very supportive of everyone choosing to put their words onto paper. They provide space and opportunity for all writers, even those not calling themselves writers, to “find their creative voice and connect with their audience through written and vocal expression.” This is something I really appreciate. And I am really grateful for the opportunity of being able to join the other readers at this amazing event.
My work was inspired by flowers and nature. Hence, it highlights the silent power of flowers and reminds us of the often underestimated power of just being. I hope my words will come as inspiration for you, too.

Read also ‘How to Relax Your Body and Mind Without Feeling Guilty – ReelChat Guest Post‘
Inspired by Flowers – Blossoms of Being
I could hear the doorbell ringing and a minute later my husband was in our bedroom with another bouquet.
“They are beautiful,” I told my husband, with my eyes widely open admiring the bouquet. “But a few more, and you’ll have to get more vases,” I told my husband, who was carefully arranging the flowers, with a smile.
It was my third day at home following my return from hospital, and our bedroom was slowly turning into a flower shop. Outside, it was a cold December day, but I felt like even a single flower had the power to transform our room, bringing warmth and beauty inside. But it wasn’t only our room they brightened up.
My husband handed me a small envelope that came with the bouquet, and as I read the card, I could feel warmth, as if a soft blanket wrapped itself around my heart. The flowers were from a friend I hadn’t seen for several months. But no matter how long I hadn’t seen the people sending me all these beautiful flowers, looking at them, each reminded me that someone cares and is thinking of me. Flowers have this remarkable ability to communicate feelings and sentiments without words being needed.
But they were more than just pretty flowers. To me, they were my new companions. I couldn’t have visitors due to Covid restrictions as my accident happened in lockdown, so the flowers kept me company. These colourful blossoms became my friends, who would bear my tears when it all felt too much, listen to my prayers, and make me feel better just by being there. Receiving these flowers didn’t only highlight that I hadn’t been forgotten by those sending them, but with their delicate petals and graceful presence, they also reminded me of the power of just being.
We often underestimate the power of just being there for someone, without necessarily sharing our thoughts or giving advice but just listening without distraction. Engaging sincerely, offering our full attention, and sharing moments of true connection can bring immense joy to those around us. Here lies one of the greatest qualities of flowers. They exist in the moment, fully open to their surroundings. They don’t compare themselves to others, they just simply bloom. And they bloom in the most unexpected places and conditions, flourishing in their own time and pace. Each flower, unique and beautiful in its own way.
With my eyes laid on the colourful blossoms in the vases spread around our bedroom, it occurred to me that none of them competed for my attention. They didn’t force me to admire them, they didn’t pretend to be more than they were, nor someone else. Yet they mesmerised me with their effortless manner. Flowers are like a medicine for our body, heart and soul. Brightening our lives and bringing hope to wherever they bloom, unaware of our fondness for them. With their gentle presence and quiet beauty, even the smallest flower has the power to make a difference.
And as I continued to immerse myself in the enchantment of the flowers I wondered if perhaps there was more that we could take from them. After all, by spreading joy and touching hearts we too could create a beautiful garden full of colourful blossoms.

You are a beautiful flower
I’m grateful for this opportunity to share my words at the Flower Power event at the Weald and Downland Living Museum. The museum and its location is inspiring in itself. It’s a place to awaken our senses, detox from technology, replenish our energy and rejuvenate our body, mind and soul.
If my words inspired only one person that day, my time wasn’t wasted. We all are beautiful flowers. Each different and unique, but all from the same garden. Let’s guard and nurse it and keep it beautiful.

Read also ‘The Proven Benefit of Being in Nature on Our Wellbeing‘
Do you feel inspired by flowers and nature? How do they inspire you? Share the lessons you’ve learnt from nature in the comment below.
Thank you and till the next blog post,

Lovely post!
awesome post
As someone obsessed with flowers this is such an interesting event, and flowers bring so much enchantment and silent meaning.