Wind is blowing away a dandelion that a person is holding in their hand and around the dandelion are in circle words, vulnerability, courage, strength on Journeyofsmiley blog

Could Vulnerability Actually Be Our Strength? – Examine This Moment Guest Blog Post

It has been a year since I started going back to the gym. Although recently, my visits have been very infrequent due to ongoing pain and illness, I was back today. I remember a year ago when I went back to the gym for the first time since my accident. It ended with tears, and I shared my story on my IG and FB. It was something that I felt pretty ashamed about, I hoped that I hadn’t overshared, but I got many positive responses. To my surprise, my vulnerability appeared as a strength to many instead of a weakness, as is often the case in our society these days.

I was wowed by the number of people who appreciated my vulnerability and saw it as a strength. It’s something that we don’t often experience in a world that forces us to hide behind our brave masks and appreciate toxic positivity over honesty and authenticity. I was even more grateful when Pastor Natalie, the owner and creator of the ‘Examine This Moment’ blog, approached me asking to share my experience with her readers. 

Pastor Natalie is an encourager who shares words about everyday moments. Her blog is filled with encouragement, laughter and real-life moments. She believes in the importance of pausing and taking time to “Examine This Moment” every day. Sharing my moment of vulnerability with her readers and encouraging others to live more authentically was an honour for me.

A hand in the sunset holding a dandelion in the wind and the title is What is Your Vulnerability equals Your Strength? on Journeyofsmiley blog
unsplash @daphnerhd

Read also ‘Positive Thinking: Can It Cure Your Illness? – RallyUp Magazine Guest Post

Showing your true feelings doesn’t make you a burden

We are often so ashamed of showing our true feelings, especially if we feel sad, overwhelmed, frustrated or helpless. We consider them as negative feelings and would rather suppress them. Sounds this familiar to you? It is pretty much exactly what I used to do. But since my accident over two years ago, I am learning that showing my true feelings doesn’t make me weak or a burden to others. I have finally come to realise that it is ok not to be ok and to cry. As long as we don’t get stuck in that place.   

Our feelings, negative or positive, are our feelings, and it is ok to acknowledge what we feel. The vulnerability that we are so ashamed of is just honesty. Perhaps we don’t need to feel embarrassed to show our tears in public. Perhaps not everyone is here to judge us and instead willing to show understanding and offer support.

Because perhaps by not allowing ourselves to feel our feelings, we teach those around us what is acceptable. Have you ever thought about what message you are sending to your children? What are we teaching them by telling them that big girls or strong boys don’t cry? And what world are we creating by doing this? 

A hand touching a tree brunch with pink flowers on it and the title is The Power of Vulnerability on Journeyofsmiley Blog
unsplash @jaydn_so

Read also ‘Acceptance and Finding Purpose After a Traumatic Accident – Crash Support Network Guest Post

What if our vulnerability is a strength?

But what if our vulnerability isn’t a weakness but a strength? What if it is something we should appreciate rather than condone?  

So, if you are one of those who is afraid to show their insecurities, who would rather hide behind a brave mask, and who feels that tears don’t belong in public, think about this. And perhaps you will agree with me when I say that revealing your vulnerability requires more courage and strength.

I invite you to read my post ‘Could Vulnerability Actually Be Our Strength‘ on the ‘Examine This Moment’ blog. Because vulnerability, honesty, authenticity can be very rare in a world where insecurities often are masked, and people tend to hide behind the personas they have created for themselves. And I want to let you know that you can be both beautiful and vulnerable at the same time, and still be a strong human being.

Head to the blog to read more about why vulnerability might actually be our strength. And I would like to invite you to share your thoughts in a comment below.  

Pink background with a quote about vulnerability being a strength by Katy Parker on Journeyofsmiley Blog
Follow @journeyofsmiley also on Pinterest

Read also ‘Finding Gratitude After a Serious Injury and Healing PTSD Through Writing – MatChat Wellbeing Podcast

Thank you and till the next blog post,

Follow Journeyofsmiley on

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17 thoughts on “Could Vulnerability Actually Be Our Strength? – Examine This Moment Guest Blog Post”

  1. Preach this big and loud! I love this post. It reminds me of Brene’ Brown’s work on vulnerability… sooo important. 💓

  2. Such an honor to have you guest post on my blog Katy. I sincerely appreciate your strength, and your example of honest vulnerability in the midst of your hardships. Thank you for sharing in your blog too. 🤗

    Pastor Natalie (ExamineThisMoment)

  3. This was so beautifully written. Being vulnerable requires more than courage and strength. I believe it also takes a certain mentality to put yourself online a position where you’re going to feel exposed and naked in some way. Thank you for sharing this with the world.

    1. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, we open ourselves up to deeper connections and understanding with others. It takes courage to be vulnerable, and that courage is a powerful attribute that can help us grow and thrive in both our personal and professional lives.

  4. This is a very inspirational blog post. The fact that others can learn from our struggles and see our journey as a sign that they too can overcome is powerful. We never think of our journey being able to help others but it can. Being vurnerable is truly a sign of strength. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I loved reading this article! I first came across the concept of ‘vulnerability’ a few years ago when I found out about Benè Brown’s work and books. It totally changed my perspective and the way I see myself and others now. Thanks for sharing this.

  6. This was a really interesting exploration of vulnerability and how it can actually be quite powerful. I know from experience that vulnerability sometimes needs careful support and guidance, especially when we’re opening up to it and examining it for ourselves. I think the one thing I learned is to be careful about who else can see or has access to our vulnerability as this can be exploited but in the right way sharing our feelings and experiences can be a strength (particularly if we can harness it).

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